Jennifer Lopez Enjoying ‘Breathing Room’ From Ben Affleck During European Vacation — She’s Not Missing Him At All?!

Jennifer Lopez is NOT missing her estranged husband Ben Affleck one bit!

“Jen loves vacationing in Europe during the summer. It’s been nice for her to experience a change of pace and have some breathing room.”

They act like they haven’t already been living two completely separate lives — in two different mansions — for weeks now. LOLz!

Related: Ben ‘Furious’ At Jennifer For Using Family Event As ‘Photo Op’: REPORT 

Regardless, J.Lo isn’t missing her hubby, especially since she’s doing everything he’d hate, the source continued:

“She has been having a blast with her friends. They love to go to fun dinners, have late nights, lay out in the sun, get dressed up, dance, and shop.”

“That’s never really been Ben’s scene, even when him and Jen weren’t having any issues. Jen isn’t letting the fact that Ben’s not there bring her down.”


“Jennifer’s kids are away at summer activities.”

Thus, it would seem like it was a good time for her to get away — and she had planned to be traveling anyway before canceling her tour! So, we’re glad she’s having fun after her career mishaps. We just hope she’s not having too much fun without her partner… or else she might have no intentions of ever reconciling when she returns to El Lay! Just saying! Reactions? Do you think this time apart is good or bad for the couple?? Sound OFF (below)!