Princess Catherine Finds Relief In Daily Tasks Amid Cancer Battle — But Still Faces These Intense ‘Emotions & Fears’

Princess Catherine may be making progress amid her cancer journey, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a very difficult time for her and her family.

“She might be the Princess of Wales, but she is still a mother and wife and going through the same set of emotions and worries and fears as anyone else in that set of circumstances would be.”

She’s only human!

It’s normal to be struggling with “fears” while facing cancer treatment, especially since chemotherapy is no joke. An insider close to the royal household shared:

“The treatment is punishing, and it is different for different people. And the side effects can be unforgiving.”

“The children won’t remember Mummy shaking hands or really care. But they will recall Mummy making cakes [or when] she went off to the local shop and bought something or took them somewhere.”

Similarly, this is likely why Kate went out of her way to attend her father-in-law’s birthday parade. Royal author Sally Bedell Smith recalled the event and what it was like to see Kate and Charles (who are both battling cancer) standing side by side, noting:

True! They both looked fantastic considering the circumstances. But more importantly, it was just a relief to see them all together. Another royal insider acknowledged:

“Family is really important to the Princess of Wales, and she wanted to be there to support her family.”