“Your eyes are too close together.” Why Aniston hated her own mother

“Your eyes are too close together, you have inherited your father’s ugly mouth”: Jennifer Aniston’s strained relationship with her mother stemmed from critical comments her mother made about her appearance. The actress reveals the bitter truth about her mother. You will be shocked when you know how her mother oppressed her.

The star of the series “Friends” spoke about the difficult relationship with her mother. Nancy could hardly be called a loving mother who would support her daughter in any difficult situation. Brad Pitt’s ex-wife plunged fans into a stupor by telling how her parent oppressed her for any mistake.

The model mother was unhappy with her daughter’s appearance. “Your eyes are set too close, you have inherited your father’s ugly mouth. Have you seen your awkward big face? ”, Jennifer’s mother said, looking her young daughter in the eyes. Aniston believes that Nancy gave her dozens of complexes that influenced the future fate of the actress.

“She convinced me that I was the ugliest child,” the blonde is perplexed. Jennifer stated that she was able to forgive her mother only after the death of the woman. Aniston believes that there is no need to accumulate resentment and anger.

The actress broke off all relations with her parent after learning that Nancy had released memoirs in which she told details of the personal life of the Hollywood star, telling about her daughter’s complexes.

“Now it’s clear why 55-year-old Aniston never became a mother,” “Are there really such mothers?”, “Why do they do this to their daughters?”,

“There must be some explanation for this,” Jennifer’s fans write in the comments. Are you familiar with this situation? What do you think about Jennifer’s mother’s behavior?